You, your kids, your marriage — and 2023

Understanding the reality. Tackling it with friends.

LinkUp is your space to:

  • Learn the things you didn’t know you didn’t know
  • Talk about stuff that’s confusing or challenging
  • Get clarity + tools to make good choices

89 groups in Lakewood


60 groups in Five Towns


32 groups in Baltimore


32 groups in Chicago


31 groups in Flatbush


20 groups in Passaic


16 groups in Brooklyn


15 groups in Yerushalayim


11 groups in Montreal


9 groups in Detroit


8 groups in Miami


6 groups in Cleveland


6 groups in Los Angeles

Even if your
home is
the world isn't

You and your kids are living in a reality that never existed before — and nobody prepared you for.

The values of the world are different. What’s normal today was unheard of yesterday.


Why do I find it so hard to keep my “kids home, phone away” commitment? What’s an emergency, and won’t my kids understand?


Can I text a friend “mazel tov”, “BDE” or a response to an event? When does it have to be a phone call?


Most of my son’s friends have a device that goes against our principles — but he wants one too. How do I deal with it?


I feel like I’m going through the motions with a lot of yiddishkeit stuff I do. Like my heart’s not in it enough. Why?


Ma, Ma, Ma… I get distracted and find it hard to focus when my child or husband is talking to me. How can I change that?


I often feel like people aren’t really there when I talk to them. It’s lonely and hurts.


I find davening hard, and even when I do, my mind is all over the place. How can I make it the experience it could be?


Screentime for kids - is that ok? If I limit it and filter it?


How do I have a conversation around technology with my child without getting into a power struggle?


Friends share stories and pictures of their perfect lives, and it makes me down about what’s missing in mine. How do I avoid getting sucked into it?


My daughter’s friends are posting pictures of their proposals and we were discussing if she would do the same. I’m uncomfortable — but how do I explain it to her?

So many tech things come up, and you’re lost

What to do? Who to ask? Where to share?

It’s so hard to judge when to say yes, or no. What’s really right, or wrong.
When to give in, or hold strong.

And always, after every agonizing decision, dealing with doubt. Guilt. Fear.

Which voice is me?

You’re confused

You’re never really sure if you’re doing right.
Or if you’re doing you.

Where can I talk about it?

You’re alone

For advice. Or strategies. Or just someone to say “You’re feeling that way too? I thought it was just me!”

What’s missing?

You’re empty

Walking around feeling like something is missing, but you’re not sure what. Using tech to fill that gap, except it doesn’t really.

Where’s my time going?

You’re racing

That feeling that time is just slipping through your fingers… and what matters most isn’t happening enough.

You want to understand how to deal with tech in a nuanced way.
How to talk to your kids about it.

What’s Linkup?

We give you the content. You bring the friends.

Your own private circle of growth-minded friends — and the knowledge, tools and support to help you make the right choices.

Linkup is a chaburah-style learning and discussion group giving you awareness, guidance and empowerment so you can thrive in today’s world.

Reviewed and endorsed by gedolim from all communities


The content is the result of 5+ years of thorough research on how the lifestyle, values and culture of the western world affects the frum woman specifically (families & relationships), it’s your toolkit to understand today’s challenges, and thrive in spite of them.


It’s for any frum women (single or married) at every level of tech use who wants more out of life, and has changed the lives + homes of thousands of women like you.


Technology isn’t about an app or device, it’s about a world, values and culture that’s changing the way we think, live, connect, parent, relate and grow. Let’s focus on the bigger reality - and make our dreams for us and our homes come true.

You’ll talk about things you never connected with tech.

Values like oversharing, being able to just be instead of do, having an inner conscience when the noise around you makes it tough to hear yourself.

And of course, the typical tech topics like privacy, contentment, and fakelife.

Program 1:


About building you, and giving you the tools to break free of fears, hesitations, confusions or apathy that tech has created in you.

You’ll get clear about where tech can change your values or make you do things that conflict with your real goals.

You’ll finally start to believe in yourself. And you’ll learn how to talk to your kids about tech, and get the courage and skills to set the boundaries you want, without alienating anyone.

Program 2:

Marriage | Secrets of the well

About building your home — because it all starts there. The world today has made us unclear about what marriage should be like, and how to get there.

You’ll get clear about the surprising ways the western world culture impacts your marriage (there are so many big picture things nobody tells you).

You’ll see how to build a marriage that isn’t superficial, or empty, but full of vitality, rejuvenation and depth that keeps growing.

Program 3:

LinkUp Nook - for young adults

About building you as a person and giving you the tools, knowledge and support you need to tackle this exciting stage in life.

You’ll get clear about what is important in this stage in life as well as what you can do to utilize this stage to prepare yourself for the next one

You’ll discover how to really get to know yourself and live your life with focus, purpose and connection. Connection to yourself, to others and to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

Love to learn?
You’ll love this approach.

Don’t love to learn?
You’ll love it even more.

Those tough discussions, and how to have them

How to talk to your kids about the challenges of technology? LinkUp gives you the language to open up the conversation about our reality with your children.

never realized this was happening

LinkUp will teach you things you didn’t know you didn’t know. Things that spark joy, give meaning, help you feel Hashem, and let you go through your regular day-to-day actions, with depth.

Guilt-free learning that makes you feel good

This is not a program that pushes you down. There’s no preaching, no judgement, no attacks. Just ideas that resonate, guidance that empowers, and sources that show they’re true.

You = strong enough for anything

Those things you know you want to do, but they’re too hard?
LinkUp gives you the courage + support so you know you can. And you do.

a lecture,
a tribe

You’re an active participant, not a passive listener.
Everyone there is there to share. It’s stimulating, fun and your safe space to have a voice. To own your opinions and learn from other people. It’s a place that you belong.

Authentic you, genuine yiddishkeit

You’ll walk away each time with a more genuine relationship with Hashem. A clearer picture of who the real you is. A deeper appreciation for everyone else in your life.

Clarity to make the right choices.

Confidence to trust those choices.


What LinkUp won’t do for you

If you want hard answers like how many hours of screentime, or which apps to stay off — we can’t help there. We don’t even want to.

Because there’ll always be another question, another device, another reality to face.


What LinkUp will do for you

Give you the knowledge + tools + strength + clarity to live a life that is in sync with Torah values.

Help you tap into the intuition you know is there.

From confusion to clarity in just two hours a month

num 1

Find your circle

Find 7-12 friends, family or neighbors who want to grow together.

num 2

Choose a facilitator

Who’s going to keep the discussion off Floafers and cleaning ladies?

Nominate your group leader to keep learning on track.

num 3

the program

Tell us how many books you need — everybody pays $35 for their own copy — and we mail it over.

num 4

Pick a date

Choose a time/place to meet for an hour twice a month or rotate between homes.

No food. No pressure. Just chairs, smiles and questions.

num 5

Hash it out

Learn the info, then talk it out. Discuss where it comes up in your life.

Share feelings, reach conclusions, make it real and part of you.

Endorsed by

It’s 2023. You’re connected to everyone.

And no one.

Not anymore. Get your own group, and learn how to face a new and different world — with info + tools you won’t get anywhere else.


Having the chance to take such thought-provoking material AND process it with the group is so beautiful.
You meet with the same people again and again, so they connect to you and you’re growing together. Each meeting is an opportunity to view life through another lens and you walk away with deep, but practical ways to go through your everyday life differently.

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